WELCOME! Let's tell you a little about our Crew of Pirates.
We are often asked why we are called the Blossomland Pirates. Blossomland is taken as a tribute to the fact we live in and serve the Southwest corner of Michigan which has long been regarded as a premier fruit growing region by consumers, manufacturers and chefs. The rich sandy loam soil, moderate spring temperature from the close proximity to Lake Michigan and the tempering effect on summer by the lake contribute to produce fruit and vegetables of exceptional cosmetic appearance and superior taste. The area has long been known for flavorful peaches, sweet Niagara and Concord grapes. When you have a PB & J sandwich, chances are the Welch's Grape Jelly came from right here. We also raise a wide variety of apples, melons, vine ripened tomatoes, blueberries, and tart cherries along with a whole list of other goodies you enjoy. This diversity continues to expand into even more crops along with a recent surge in specialty wine grapes with local wineries producing selections for every taste. And we now have local hop growers supporting the sprouting micro-brew industry that continue to expand throughout the area with a large offering of local brews! We have nearly 4 dozen wineries, breweries, and distilleries right here within a 50 mile radius!
As early as 1891, local area business interests took a pro-active role in attracting visitors to Southwestern Michigan with their promotion in the Chicago market. With the Graham and Morton Steamship Company offering special rates, hundreds of visitors made the lake crossing by boat to enjoy the orchard tours. The Blossomtime Festival is the oldest and largest multi-community Festival in the state of Michigan. In 2014 when we formed, the festival marked its “108th Celebration” 1906-2014 with a fun filled week of wholesome family entertainment. We felt it as just a given to include “Blossomland” in our club name in honor of celebrating our beautiful Southwestern Michigan area and all we have here for residents and visitors alike that have a pirate spirit!
We're a member of Parrot Heads in Paradise, Inc. (PHiP) , a Not-For-Profit Corporation, whose purpose is to assist in community and environmental concerns and provide a variety of social activities for people who are interested in the music of Jimmy Buffett and the tropical lifestyle he personifies. This madness started with one club in Atlanta (founder, Scott Nickerson) and has "blossomed" to a network of over 200 clubs around the U.S. plus international clubs based in Canada, Europe, the Caribbean and Australia. And now proudly includes the Blossomland Pirates Parrot Head Club as our local club in southwest Michigan.
We are not Parrot heads because we are Jimmy Buffett fans.
We are Parrott Heads because:
- We love the ocean
-We love our planet
-We love to have fun
We are Parrott Heads because:
-We are not afraid to be silly
-We are not afraid to act foolish
-We are not afraid of love
We are Parrott Heads because:
-We like scantily clad members of our favorite sex
-We like playing in the sun with those same members
-We like singing songs that say all of these things
We are Parrott Heads because:
-We believe the best things in life cannot be bought
-We believe sharing the best things make them better
-We believe in the innate goodness in all of us
We are Parrott Heads because:
-We know shared joy is increased
-We know shared pain is lessened
-We know a good friend has value beyond measure
It just so happens that Jimmy Buffett sings about all of these things.
So, we are not Parrot Heads because we are Jimmy Buffett fans,
we are Jimmy Buffett fans because we are Parott Heads!